Can you just imagine how many artists there are in the Los Angeles area alone who would be thrilled to have a large community room to themselves for a whole month -- to express, and communicate their ideas like this?
But these past twelve months have not been like any others I've experienced before on this planet! I saw and heard things in the political arena that I could not believe nor ignore. In fact, they affected me and my art in a pretty drastic way!
Still, I fought the urge to make a political statement with this exhibit. After all, I would be exhibiting in a County building! So, how could I express myself freely as a female artist and be politically correct at the same time? This was my challenge.
And then finally, it came to me. I could exhibit peaceful and calming images and search through my archives to feature many paintings I've created in the past that express feelings of love, peace and togetherness. After all, these are the beliefs and truths that are universal. Whether you are on the right, the left or somewhere in the middle politically, there are certain fundamental unifying beliefs. One of the most important is that we all want to live on a peaceful planet.
Yay! I was inspired! A flurry of paintings began to come through, just three weeks prior to the exhibit's opening. (My right shoulder is still locked up!)
Below are a few of my new paintings that are currently on exhibit at the library.
In this new era of the internet I no longer have to urge you to get in your car and battle traffic to come down to see my exhibit. I can bring it to you. If you have one minute and 39 seconds here it is.
All of the pieces (except for 'Opening Hearts') are for sale. If you'd like to see the price list, here it is.
Thank you for taking the time to drop by. And, if by chance the current political situation is making you a bit anxious too, PLEASE - please find a creative outlet like music, art or writing. Or maybe it's exercise or a ritual like a daily soak in a hot tub. Please take care of yourself and those around you.
Wishing you peace, love and light from this day forward.